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Bringing a child into the world is a joyful experience, but labor and delivery also come with an inherent degree of uncertainty and confusion. In those moments, it’s all too easy for a parent’s rights and preferences to be overlooked in the name of medical necessity.

While it’s impossible to be prepared for every scenario that has the potential to compromise your ideal birth, creating a birth plan is a great way to significantly increase your odds for success.

Planning Ahead with a Cord Blood Banking Company

Even if your pregnancy has been completely healthy and routine, every mother will benefit from a thoughtful birth plan. From major decisions regarding pain management down to seemingly minor details like your choice of ambient music, a birth plan helps you clarify and communicate your needs and preferences.

Clearly establishing your birth plan in the weeks and months preceding delivery means far fewer details being left to chance when that special day arrives. Most plans go beyond medical considerations to include things like personal preferences, religious accommodations, and a list of potential visitors allowed. No detail is too small to include if it matters to you.

A Birth Plan You Can Count On

Establishing your birth plan early could be especially important if you’re planning to bank your baby’s umbilical cord blood. The percentage of families who choose cord blood banking has grown steadily over the years as research has uncovered its potential to treat over 80 diseases and conditions including cancers such as leukemia and lymphoma, blood and metabolic disorders, and many immune system disorders.

Additionally, there are more than 5,200 clinical trials initiated, including cord blood treatments for cerebral palsy, autism, diabetes type 1, heart disease, spinal cord injuries and many others. However, for many health care providers, cord blood banking is still not yet a standard procedure. Therefore, it is important to include the procedure in your birth plan and to inform your healthcare provider as soon as possible of your intent to bank your baby’s cord blood.

The choice to retain cord blood is every parent’s right, and when you partner with an experienced cord blood banking company like MiracleCord, the entire process is clear, efficient, and easy to integrate into your birth plan.

If you have additional questions about cord blood banking or its benefits, download a free info kit or feel free to call us at 888.743.2673. We’ve helped thousands of families plan for a healthier future, and your family absolutely deserves one as well.

DISCLAIMER: THE INFORMATION ON THIS WEBSITE IS NOT INTENDED TO BE USED AS MEDICAL ADVICE.The materials and information contained on the MiracleCord website is provided for educational and informational purposes only, and is not intended to, and does not constitute, medical or other health advice or diagnosis, and should not be used as such. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease. If you are seeking personal medical advice, you should consult with a licensed physician. Always consult with a qualified health care provider regarding a medical condition.

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