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MiracleCord Founder's Story

The inspiration for MiracleCord traces back to a deeply personal experience I had when a dear family member, who was a vibrant mother and wife, was diagnosed with Leukemia at the age of 39. Her doctors said the cure could come in the form of a stem cell transplant if a match could be found. Devastated by the diagnosis, our family rallied around the hope that a stem cell transplant could be the lifeline she needed.

Despite an exhaustive search of the public stem cell banks, a suitable match could not be found. The realization that a potential cure existed, but was out of reach, became a poignant reality as we witnessed her valiant battle against the disease ultimately claim her life in less than a year.

MiracleCord was born out of the profound impact of this loss on my family, and my desire to help other families facing similar challenges.

MiracleCord is a private cord blood bank that was established to give families the peace of mind that comes with knowing that their baby’s cord blood and cord tissue stem cells will be readily available should a transplant be needed to save a family member’s life.

Mark Locascio
Founder and CEO
MiracleCord, Inc.

MiracleCord CEO Mark Locascio

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