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Expectant parents have a lot of planning to do and decisions to make. Many decide to work with their obstetrician or midwife to create a comprehensive birth plan, which helps ensure that the parents’ wishes and desires for delivery are known and understood by everyone involved.

  • The types of decisions that parents will be making in their birth plan are multifold. Here are some examples:
  • Would you like to give birth at home or in a hospital? 
  • Are you planning to have pain meds or hoping to hold out on an epidural? 
  • Who do you want in the room when your baby is born? 
  • Will you hire a birth doula? 
  • Is there a particular birthing position that appeals to you?
  • Will the baby be breast or bottle fed?
  • Will you bank your baby’s cord blood? 

The goal of a birth plan is to help parents feel more prepared and confident as they head into labor, and it allows them to make educated, personal decisions during the prenatal process.

Cord Blood Banking and Your Birth Plan

One of these informed decisions involves cord blood banking, a practice that has been rising in popularity in the last two decades. In the United States, about 200,000 parents choose to save their baby’s cord blood each year. That number continues to rise as medical advancements turn up new uses for stem cells retrieved from the remaining umbilical cord blood and cord tissue.

Most expecting parents have heard about cord blood banking from friends or relatives, but many don’t realize that there are already more than 80 FDA-approved therapies, and extensive medical research continues for other potential uses with these harvested cells.

But, deciding what to do with your baby’s cord blood is a choice you will have to make. 

Parents can choose between donating the cord blood to a public bank, storing it with a private cord blood bank for their family, or discarding it.

Cord Blood Banking Options

With private cord blood banks like MiracleCord, you can give birth at any location, using the company’s collection kit. Also, some companies include a medical courier service that will pick up directly from the hospital or birthing location and transport it to their lab.

Only a limited number of hospitals are affiliated with public banks, so if you want to donate your baby’s cord blood, you would need to check if that is an available option in your area. 

If you are looking to invest in your family’s future health and want to be prepared for potential diseases, private cord blood banking ensures that only you and your family will have access to your baby’s stem cells. Those cells will be a 100% match for the child that they come from and a high probability of a suitable match for siblings and parents.

DISCLAIMER: THE INFORMATION ON THIS WEBSITE IS NOT INTENDED TO BE USED AS MEDICAL ADVICE.The materials and information contained on the MiracleCord website is provided for educational and informational purposes only, and is not intended to, and does not constitute, medical or other health advice or diagnosis, and should not be used as such. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease. If you are seeking personal medical advice, you should consult with a licensed physician. Always consult with a qualified health care provider regarding a medical condition.

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