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We are honored to be acknowledged by Global Health & Pharma for our cord blood banking services. Being listed among prestigious Biotechnology award recipients and recognized as the Best Cord Blood Bank in 2021, 202220232024 and 2025 in the United States is a testament to our hard work, as well as our passion to help ensure that our clients have a healthy future. We are proud of our team and the difference we have made.

MiracleCord was highlighted as an industry leader by Global Health & Pharma researchers as part of their research into pioneers across the sector. Our company was chosen due to our high-quality services, advanced technologies, and customer satisfaction rating. The Global Health & Pharma team looks to highlight players within the industry who offer unfaltering customer service, as well as innovation, dedication, and ambition within their respective specialism.

To determine the results for this award, Global Health & Pharma's judging panel reviewed supporting evidence submitted by each nominee in addition to independent research conducted by their research team. The team gathered information independently from a variety of publicly accessible sources, which were assessed alongside any material supplied by a nominating party or the nominee themselves. The research team cast their final judgement based on various criteria such as: business performance, longevity, business growth (either sustained or rapid), any significant innovations and feedback/reviews from customers. 

Global Health & Pharma ensures their selection process is fair, even, and purely driven by merit, hence their extensive research process.

Cord blood banking is important to the health of you and your family. The stem cells in cord blood can help treat cancers such as Lymphoma, Leukemia, and Neuroblastoma. Saving the stem cells from your child's cord blood may also help treat Sickle cell anemia, Krabbe Disease, Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Diseases, and over 80 other conditions. Being recognized for our efforts in providing families with the tools to effectively treat these conditions means a great deal to us.

We stand by the words "A Promise for Your Future" and work diligently with the most advanced and comprehensive scientific techniques to ensure that promise. We want to thank the team at Global Health and Pharma for their research into our work and those that nominated us for the Best U.S. Cord Blood Bank award for the years 2021-2025. Your recognition will help many families see the benefits of cord blood banking and help save the lives of loved ones.

MiracleCord looks forward to continuing our promise to your family's future.

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