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Mark Locascio, the visionary behind MiracleCord, founded the company almost two decades ago with a mission to provide families with the assurance that their baby’s stem cells would be readily available should a transplant be needed to save a family member’s life.

With a documented history of achievements in the biotech and stem cell banking sector, Mr. Locascio has led the way in translating cutting-edge research into life-saving services. He spearheaded the development and launch of innovative educational, clinical, and operational programs, as well as contributing significantly to the growth and expansion of MiracleCord's cord blood banking operations.

Recognized for his outstanding accomplishments, Mark Locascio was honored as one of Illinois' top 32 CEOs in the biotech industry in 2022.

Over his nearly 20 years of leadership, serving on the Board of Directors, and as the CEO of MiracleCord, Mr. Locascio has authored dozens of in-depth articles delving into the intricacies of cord blood and tissue stem cell collection, processing, storage, and clinical applications. His commitment to advancing the field has played a pivotal role in establishing MiracleCord as a leader in the stem cell banking industry.

When he's not running MiracleCord, Mark enjoys spending time with his family, going on walks with his wife, writing music, and playing guitar.

Q&A with Mark

What advice would you offer expecting parents considering cord blood banking?

Cord blood banking can save your child’s or a family member’s life. I recommend doing research in your second trimester to find the cord blood bank that you are most comfortable with.

What is a common misconception about the cord blood banking industry?

Some people think the chances of needing a stem cell transplant are very low. The reality is that scientists predict 1-in-3 people will benefit from regenerative medicine therapy using stem cells by age 70 [*].

What is your favorite aspect of running a private cord blood bank and why?

I enjoy working with our skilled and experienced team of people at MiracleCord because they understand the importance of what we do, and give it their all, day-in and day-out, to provide high-quality services, and amazing customer support to our clients.

What do your customers appreciate most about banking with MiracleCord?

The fact that we offer the highest quality services in the cord blood banking industry, and do so at very affordable prices. Also, our customer service is really outstanding.

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

Seeing how other families have been helped by our services is a deeply rewarding aspect of my job.

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