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AABB-Accredited Cord Blood Banking Lab

Experience Cord Blood Banking You Can Trust
MiracleCord has been processing and storing cord blood for nearly 20 years. The state-of-the-art laboratory is AABB® accredited, CLIA certified and registered with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This ensures that the laboratory adheres to the industry's most stringent standards and protocols for banking cord blood and cord tissue stem cells.

We have made every effort to guarantee the safety and security of our clients' cord blood and cord tissue units. All specimens are protected 24/7/365 in a secure facility with multi-layer temperature monitoring and manifold emergency power sources, including battery and generator back-up systems.

The cord blood laboratory has the largest bulk nitrogen tanks in the country and can go without power for several weeks or more in the event of a mass power outage. These systems will keep your child's stem cells cryogenically frozen at the proper temperature, with no loss in viability to the cells, ensuring that your investment in your family’s future stays safe and sound.

MiracleCord’s exclusive StemCare® thermal collection kit and TimeCritical® Processing help ensure that your baby’s cord blood and cord tissue samples remain viable from the moment they are collected to the moment the laboratory begins processing the stem cells.

AXP II advanced automated systems are utilized to process your baby's cord blood. This system has the proven ability to recover 99% of cells, which is considerably higher than Hespan® and Prepacyte®, the processing methods used by most other cord blood banks.

What Is An AABB-Accredited Cord Blood Banking Lab?
The AABB is an international association of blood banks that sets the standards for cellular therapy, tissue transplantation and stem cell processing and storage.

Additionally, the AABB works closely with the FDA to provide technical guidance for the development of blood regulations.

A lab facility that has received AABB accreditation for banking cord blood ensures that they adhere to the industry's most rigorous standards for processing and storing cord blood stem cells.

MiracleCord is a leader in the cord blood banking industry, utilizing an AABB-accredited laboratory.

AABB accredited cord blood banks

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