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The MiracleCord Cord Blood Banking Process... Easy. Simple. Worry-free.

We’ve developed an industry-leading cord blood banking process that is simple, stress-free and affordable. Each step of the cord blood collection process has been carefully developed to ensure your baby’s cord blood and cord tissue specimens are safe, secure and provide for the greatest yield of viable stem cells. We back our cord blood banking process with a $100,000 quality guarantee so that you can enjoy a lifetime of peace of mind.


1. Enrollment
Enrolling with MiracleCord is easy and only takes a few minutes. You may Enroll Online or by phone at 888-743-2673. Upon enrollment, we will immediately ship your MiracleCord StemCare® collection kit to you.

Planning for Birth

2. Planning for the Birth
Once you receive your StemCare® thermal cord blood and cord tissue collection kit, follow the instructions provided within. Pack your collection kit with the personal items you plan to bring to the hospital/birthing facility.

Cord Blood Collection

3. Cord Blood Collection
Immediately following your baby's birth, your doctor will clamp and cut the umbilical, and then perform the cord blood and cord tissue collection procedures (if you choose to bank both types of cells). The process only takes about five minutes, and there is no risk or pain to mother or child.

Medical Courier Pick Up

4. Medical Courier Pickup
Once your baby's cord blood and cord tissue have been collected, call 888-917-7447 to request your pickup. Our direct medical courier will come to your birthing facility to retrieve your cord blood and cord tissue specimens and immediately transport them to our laboratory.


5. Processing
The laboratory will perform several tests on the cord blood, cord tissue and the maternal blood samples. Your baby's cord blood and cord tissue will then be processed and prepared for long-term cryogenic storage.

6. Storage
Your baby's cord blood and cord tissue will be safely preserved in the secure cryogenic storage facility. After all testing is complete, you will receive a MiracleCord Certificate of Storage and a comprehensive lab report documenting the details of your baby's cord blood and cord tissue units.



Banking My Baby’s Cord Blood with MiracleCord

The cord blood banking process begins with your enrollment with MiracleCord.

Once you enroll, we will ship your MiracleCord StemCare collection kit to you immediately. The StemCare collection kit contains the medical supplies that your doctor/midwife will need to collect your baby's cord blood and cord tissue.

Bring your StemCare collection kit with you to your birthing facility and inform the labor and delivery staff that you have chosen to save your baby’s cord blood and cord tissue.

Your doctor/midwife will deliver your baby, and clamp and cut the umbilical cord, before they collect the cord blood and cord tissue, so there is no risk or pain to you or your baby.

Next, call our medical courier partner to request your pickup. Our courier is available 24/7/365. They will come to your birthing facility to pick up the specimens and immediately transport them to our laboratory.

After your baby’s cord blood and cord tissue have been processed, cryogenically stored, and all testing has been completed we will provide your MiracleCord Certificate of Storage and detailed lab report to you.

It’s really that easy, simple and worry-free!



Choose the Right Cord Blood Bank

New parents choose MiracleCord because of our experience, friendly customer service and affordable pricing. We back our cord blood banking process with an industry-leading $100,000 Quality Guarantee and offer outstanding customer service, not commonly provided by other private cord blood banks. See how MiracleCord compares to the competition. We think the choice is clear!

Compare Cord Blood Banks


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