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MiracleCord Gift Registry Information For New Parents

MiracleCord Gift Registry
How It Works

MiracleCord’s cord blood banking Gift Registry is a wonderful way to invite family and friends to share in the joy of protecting your baby’s healthy future and contribute towards the cost of your cord blood banking plan.

Our Gift Registry program gives others the opportunity to learn about cord blood and cord tissue banking, and it’s an easy way for them to show their support and help you reduce the cost of stem cell banking services.

At the time of your enrollment with MiracleCord, you will automatically be set up in our Gift Registry program. To participate, all you need to do is provide your MiracleCord account number to your friends and family that wish to contribute to your registry account.

You will be notified of every gift contribution that has been made to your registry account.

Let your friends and followers know you’re registered with MiracleCord! Click any of the social media icons below to spread the word!

Want to Make a Contribution To Your Family or Friend's Gift Registry?

Want to Make A Contribution To Your Family or Friend’s Gift Registry?

We’ve made it easy for friends and family to contribute to a loved one’s MiracleCord Gift Registry. Making your gift contribution is easy and secure. Thank you for supporting the special new parents in your life!

Make a Contribution


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