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Your Baby’s Cord Blood Can Save Lives

Banking your baby's umbilical cord blood and cord tissue may be the most important decision you make for your family. Private cord blood banking offers a comprehensive scope of future treatment options through stem cell therapy, and may provide your loved ones with the best chance of survival, recovery and a renewed quality of life if they are ever facing a life-threatening disease or condition.

The MiracleCord Advantage

MiracleCord leads the industry with advanced and comprehensive umbilical cord blood banking and umbilical cord tissue stem cell banking services.

Saving your baby's stem cells in our private cord blood and cord tissue bank ensures your family has a reliable and safe source of “life-giving” stem cells that can be used in the treatment of over 80 diseases and conditions.1

Also, more than 5,800 clinical trials have been initiated exploring even more treatment options using cord blood and cord tissue stem cells.2

Our cord blood banking process is simple and stress-free, so that you and your loved ones can focus on the arrival of your little miracle.

We’ve worked hard to refine our process to make cord blood banking easy and affordable for expecting parents, and we offer many cord blood storage plans to meet your needs.

Learn why MiracleCord received the biotechnology award for Best U.S. Cord Blood Bank by Global Health & Pharma.

1. Parent's Guide to Cord Blood Foundation. Retrieved February 10, 2025. Diseases that can be Treated with Cord Blood. https://parentsguidecordblood.org/en/diseases
2. ClinicalTrials.gov. Retrieved February 10, 2025. https://clinicaltrials.gov/search?term=cord%20blood; https://clinicaltrials.gov/search?term=cord%20tissue

TimeCritical® Processing

MiracleCord is dedicated to making sure your baby’s cord blood is processed quickly and efficiently — cord blood processing is TimeCritical.

MiracleCord has the unique ability to process umbilical cord blood and cord tissue specimens in significantly less time than most other cord blood banks with our exclusive TimeCritical processing. This can yield considerably more viable stem cells, which in turn correlates to better transplant outcomes and improved patient survival rates.
Cord Blood Processing Time

Affordable Pricing

Take advantage of our Best Price Guarantee.
MiracleCord is committed to providing the highest quality cord blood and cord tissue banking services at affordable prices. Choosing MiracleCord means your family will receive superior quality and exceptional value.

Best Price Guarantee
We never cut corners on the high-quality service that we offer, and we guarantee that your family will receive the best price for cord blood and cord tissue banking! MiracleCord will match any other company's price for comparable services.
Cord Blood Banking Cost

$100,000 Quality Guarantee

As a MiracleCord client, the viability of your baby’s umbilical cord blood stem cells is backed by our $100,000 Quality Guarantee. We stand behind our ability to safely process and store your baby’s precious cord blood stem cells so that your family can enjoy a lifetime of peace of mind and protection. Cord Blood Quality Guarantee

Experience You Can Trust

MiracleCord has been providing high-quality cord blood banking services for nearly two decades.

The state-of-the-art cord blood banking laboratory is FDA registered, CLIA certified and AABB accredited. This guarantees that the most stringent standards are adhered to for cord blood and cord tissue banking.

Manifold backup systems combined with some of the largest bulk nitrogen tanks in the U.S. allow the lab to withstand power outages of several weeks or longer in the event of an emergency. These superior systems ensure that your child’s cord blood and cord tissue stem cells are always stored at the proper temperature with no loss of viability.

MiracleCord has become an industry-leading cord blood bank because of our unwavering commitment to quality and ensuring your child’s stem cells are protected for a lifetime.
Cord Blood Laboratory
One In Three

AXP® II Automated Processing

The advanced AXP II automated processing system is utilized to process your baby's cord blood. AXP II has the proven ability to recover 99% of cells. This is significantly higher than Hespan® and Prepacyte®, the manual processing methods used by most other cord blood banks.

Studies show improved transplant outcomes when greater numbers of cord blood stem cells are available for transplant.

AXP is a registered trademark of ThermoGenesis Corp.; Hespan is a registered trademark of B. Braun Medical Inc.; Prepacyte is a registered trademark of BioE LLC.
Cord Blood Processing

StemCare® Collection Kit

MiracleCord’s StemCare thermal collection kit includes an FDA approved sterile cord blood collection bag that is safe for us in the sterile field for C-sections.

Our collection process is simple and stress-free for both mother and child so that your family can focus on the joyous arrival of your baby.
Cord Blood Collection Kit
Find Out Why Parents Choose MiracleCord
Save Today's Miracle for a Healthy Tomorrow™