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Banking your baby's umbilical cord blood and cord tissue may be the most important decision you make for your family. Private cord blood banking offers a comprehensive scope of future treatment options through stem cell therapy, and may provide your loved ones with the best chance of survival, recovery and a renewed quality of life if they are ever facing a life-threatening disease or condition.
MiracleCord leads the industry with advanced and comprehensive umbilical cord blood banking and umbilical cord tissue stem cell banking services.
Saving your baby's stem cells in our private cord blood and cord tissue bank ensures your family has a reliable and safe source of “life-giving” stem cells that can be used in the treatment of over 80 diseases and conditions.1
Also, more than 5,800 clinical trials have been initiated exploring even more treatment options using cord blood and cord tissue stem cells.2
Our cord blood banking process is simple and stress-free, so that you and your loved ones can focus on the arrival of your little miracle.
We’ve worked hard to refine our process to make cord blood banking easy and affordable for expecting parents, and we offer many cord blood storage plans to meet your needs.