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How Much Does Cord Blood Banking Cost?

The cost of cord blood banking starts at $69/month for 12 months, for collection, processing and initial storage. For annual storage plans, yearly dues range from $150 - $300. Families may see significant savings by paying a flat rate for a 20-year or lifetime plan.

About Our Cord Blood Banking Pricing

The arrival of a new baby is a joyous and exciting time filled with love, wonder, and perhaps concerns about the cost of raising a child. MiracleCord works hard to ensure that cord blood banking cost is not a limiting factor in the pursuit of your family’s health.

Our private cord blood banking services are offered at affordable rates and include several storage plan options and payment terms. Choose from annual storage plans, 20-year storage plans, or lifetime storage plans. All storage plans are offered with convenient one-time or 12-month payment terms.

Banking your baby’s cord blood and cord tissue with MiracleCord provides numerous benefits:

  • All-inclusive pricing with no hidden fees.
  • Reliable, experienced processing from one of the nation’s leading laboratories.
  • Your baby’s stem cells can be used in the treatment of more than 80 diseases and conditions.
  • Secure a perfect genetic stem cell match for your baby, and a good chance of a suitable match for siblings and parents.
  • Reduce the risk of GVHD in immediate family members.

We never cut corners on the high-quality service that we offer, and we guarantee that your family will receive the best price for cord blood and cord tissue banking! MiracleCord will match any other company's price for comparable services. Call 888-743-2673 to receive your price match today.

Cord Blood Banking Costs and Storage Plans

Annual Storage Plans
(first year cost)
Cord Blood
Cord Blood + Tissue
+ $200 Deposit

Free 1st Year of Storage. Annual Storage Fee starts 2nd year.

20-Year Storage Plans
Cord Blood
Cord Blood + Tissue
+ $200 Deposit

20-Year Plan Savings vs Annual Plans: Cord Blood $950 / Cord Blood + Cord Tissue $2,600

Lifetime Storage Plans
Cord Blood
Cord Blood + Tissue
+ $200 Deposit

Lifetime Plan Savings vs Annual Plans: Cord Blood $7,550 / Cord Blood + Cord Tissue $16,400

Note: Deposit billed at time of enrollment. One-time payment, or 1st of 12 monthly payments, billed after we process your baby's cord blood. Lifetime plans include 78 years of storage.

Which Cord Blood Storage Plan Is Best for You?

MiracleCord’s Annual storage plans are our most affordable plans, and our Lifetime storage plans offer the greatest long-term savings. The cost of our 20-Year storage plans falls in the middle of the other two plans and are the most popular. Deciding which storage plan is best for you is typically a matter of which plan best fits your budget.

With MiracleCord, if you start with an Annual or 20-Year plan, you can change to a longer-term storage plan at any time. We will give you credit for the initial cost of the plan that you started with (minus any finance charges, if you chose a payment plan for the initial fees) and apply it towards the cost of the long-term storage plan that you want to change to.

Also, with MiracleCord, if you are on a 20-Year or Lifetime storage plan and need to use all your child's stem cells prior to the end of the plan term, we will issue a refund to you for the unused years of storage.

What Does the Cost of Cord Blood Banking Include?

All MiracleCord plans include:

  • StemCare® collection kit
  • Express shipping of the collection kit to you
  • Direct medical courier transport of the cord blood and cord tissue from your birthing facility to our laboratory
  • Testing of the specimens
  • Processing of the stem cells in the AABB-accredited laboratory
  • Cryogenic storage in our state-of-the-art facility
  • MiracleCord Certificate of Storage with a detailed report of test results

Annual Storage Plans

  • The first year of cryogenic storage is included in the initial fees
  • After the first year, there is an annual storage fee of $150/year for cord blood or $300/year for cord blood and cord tissue

20-Year Storage Plans

  • Includes 20 years of storage
  • There is no annual storage fee, so you save up to $2,600 on the storage fees compared to the annual plan cost

Lifetime Storage Plans

  • Includes 78 years of storage
  • There is no annual storage fee, so you save up to $16,400 on the storage fees compared to the annual plan cost  

Compare Cord Blood Banks

MiracleCord offers the best value for cord blood banking and cord tissue stem cell banking. Compare our services and pricing to other top cord blood banks and save!

Special Offers

Call 888-743-2673 to inquire about current promotions and special offers.

Returning Clients / Multiple Births

If you are a returning client or are having multiple births, please call 888-743-2673 to take advantage of special savings.

Cord Blood Banking Cost FAQs

We understand that you may have many questions about cord blood banking, and if MiracleCord’s private cord blood bank is the right choice for your family. Your investment in your family’s health is important and we are committed to helping you make the right decision based on your unique circumstances and budget. 

Here are a few common questions we hear from expecting parents. If you have additional questions, please don’t hesitate to call us at 888-743-2673 to speak with one of our cord blood banking educators.

Is cord blood banking worth the money?

Many families choose to store cord blood and cord tissue for the peace of mind knowing that their child and immediate family members could receive potentially life-giving treatment through the use of cord blood stem cells. With more than 80 diseases and conditions currently treated by stem cell transplants, it is recommended that you bank your baby’s umbilical cord blood and cord tissue so that you have more treatment options available to you in the future.

Is cord blood banking tax deductible?

If your baby or a family member has an FDA-recognized medical condition that can be immediately treated by your baby’s cord blood stem cells, the cost of collecting, processing and banking may be tax deductible. Contact your tax advisor for more information.

Can I use my HSA for cord blood banking?

Cord blood storage may be covered by HSA (health savings accounts) if it will be part of a proven treatment plan for an existing or imminently probable condition that can be treated by stem cells. Contact your HSA or health insurance provider for more information.

Will insurance pay for cord blood banking?

Typically not, but depending on the terms of your individual or group policy, cord blood banking may be a covered service. Please contact your benefits administrator or insurance company for determination.

Should I bank cord blood and cord tissue?

The stem cells from cord blood have proven to be effective in the treatment of more than 80 diseases and conditions and. Plus, cord blood stem cells have a much lower risk of GVHD, and have not been subjected to the DNA degradation that occurs with bone marrow stem cells.


In addition, there are over 300 clinical trials underway using cord tissue stem cells to establish new therapies that harness the incredible regenerative power of the mesenchymal stem cells found in cord tissue. You should consider privately banking your baby’s cord blood and cord tissue to secure the most comprehensive scope of future treatment options for your family.

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