The MiracleCord Advantage
Choosing MiracleCord means superior quality and exceptional value.
Affordable Pricing
Save up to $600! (limited time offer)
- Cord Blood Banking with 20 Years of Storage: $2,795
- Cord Blood & Tissue Banking with 20 Years of Storage: $4,295
TimeCritical® Processing
MiracleCord has the unique ability to process umbilical cord blood and cord tissue in significantly less time than most other cord blood banks with our exclusive TimeCritical processing. This can yield considerably more viable stem cells.
Experience You Can Trust
MiracleCord has been providing high-quality cord blood banking services for nearly two decades. The state-of-the-art laboratory facilities are FDA registered and AABB accredited.
Advanced Automated Systems
Advanced automated processing with the proven ability to recover 99% of cells is utilized to process your baby's cord blood. This is 20% higher than Sepax® and Hespan®, the processing methods used by most other cord blood banks.
StemCare® Collection Kit
MiracleCord’s StemCare® thermal collection kit includes an FDA approved sterile cord blood collection bag that is safe for use in the sterile field for C-sections.
$100,000 Quality Guarantee
As a MiracleCord client, the viability of your baby’s umbilical cord blood is backed by our $100,000 Quality Guarantee.
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"Fantastic experience and great customer service! My kit was delivered to me within 24 hours. This is my third time using your service and it is always a good experience."
Margaret of Oak Lawn, IL